Friday, March 30, 2007

Who and What Our Country Needs

Rudy Giuliani. That is who our country needs. We need a new president that has the ability to bring this country together and move it forward, instead of allowing it to be divided among party lines. We need a moderate Republican president like Rudy, who has the fiscal determination and responsibility that this country needs, but who also is compassionate to the needs of all people in this country. Rudy Giuliani has the some of the views that this country needs in the coming years. Gay couples should have the ability to form civil unions and have that union recognized by the federal government. It is completely immoral and unexceptable for gay people and gay couples to be discriminated against, and Rudy understands that fact.

The current status of this country is not great, as it seems that everyone is divided along their party lines: Democrats hate Republicans, and Republicans are not fond of Democrats. This is completely unexceptable, and it causes the citizens of this country great strife. The democrats say that we as citizens have voted for change, and that is why they were voted as the majority in November. Among the many flaws of the democrats in Congress, one of their largest flaws are their lies. The democrats stated that they would control pork spending, yet they attached over $20 billion dollars in pork spending projects to a military spending bill, a spending bill in which they also tacked on a timeline for troop withdrawl in Iraq. The democrats say that Iraq is in a civil war... Well, I have news for them: Iraq is not in a civil war right now, but if we tack on a timeline for troop withdrawal, we will invite civil war into that country, and it will be blood on their hands. I was always told when I was younger that you can not have everything that you want when you want it, and that is what they democrats are trying to do, have everything they want. For our great country to move forward, the democrats need to stop acting like children, and start acting like the elected representatives that they truly are. We must stop playing along party lines, and start acting like the members of this great country that we are, both republicans and democrats. Only when we can come together and work toward common goals can we truly make this country as great as it once was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.