Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Silver Lining

A great thing has happened in America! Although I did not stay awake last night long enough to see the results of the Massachusetts Senatorial Election, what I woke up to this morning was pure excitement! To find out that Scott Brown has become the Senator-elect, and more so that the Democrats in Congress will now have a much harder time passing their health care agenda that covers special interests and taxes the American People without giving them adequate coverage, while still adding billions to the National Debt and increasing  our financial commitments to other countries, is very comforting.

The election of Scott Brown is a referendum on the current legislators that are running our country, and his election should send a statement to everyone in “Our House – The People’s House”, and that statement should say “Congress, you either need to shape up and get things done that the American People want you to do, the way that the American People want you to do it, or be prepared to be voted out!”

As I have stated in previous posts, I am fully in support of health care reform. I am fully in support of abolishing pre-existing conditions, allowing insurance companies to sell insurance across state lines, allowing states to establish exchanges and band together to purchase insurance as a larger group so that small businesses may be able to lower their insurance costs by being part of a larger purchasing group (which would effectively lower expenditures and allow small businesses to have more capital to invest in their business, giving more people jobs), and providing subsidies to only the poorest of people to ensure adequate coverage for most Americans.

Scott Brown’s election is a silver lining to the dark cloud that has come over Washington D.C., and will hopefully be the beginning something even larger, where the people of the United States of America have woken up, and have spoke that “The status quo in Washington is not working, and the people are not doing the job that they have been elected to do”. We must speak up and elect new people to our governing houses, new people who will work for us as Americans, and not work for special interest groups and unions and lobbyists while sacrificing our very core values and principles as a Republic, a great Republic that is governed by the people, for the people!

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