Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What are we going to do?

Ok, so its been about a year since I last posted on this blog. Time has just gotten away from me, as I have been so busy with school, work, and all the other things that life throws at you! I know that I do not have many readers thus far, but I would like to post something for the few readers that I do have, and hope that more will read soon. I will continue to try to post at regular intervals my thoughts, and hope that you will comment on them, as long as they are constructive and positive.

It is mid-June 2008, and we are posed with a very difficult situation - its an election year, and with election years come a whole host of things that are nasty and ugly and detrimental to the American People. We see party lines get split even more than they already are, and attacks against political parties become even more heated and slanderish. As Republicans, in order for us to win back the hearts and minds of the American people, we must show them that we are able to work across the aisles of Congress and the Presidency, and that we can come together as ONE nation, not a nation of millions of people with no representation in congress and the presidency that works for them.

I would like to point out one such person - our current congressman here in Louisville, Kentucky - John Yarmuth. Since being elected in 2006 to the House of Representatives, he has done absolutely nothing for Louisville. When Anne Northup was congresswoman, her representation meant that our Federal Government was working for us, and this is evident in the many things that she was able to bring to the city, such as new bridges, infrastructure, new building, etc. That is why we again need to vote for Anne Northup on November 4th, 2008, and let her get her work done for the people of Louisville, as well as the people of this great state and nation.

On to another note - GAS PRICES ARE KILLING AMERICANS.... No, not litterally, but definately in their pocket books and wallets. $4.00+ gallons of gasoline will not be able to be sustained, and high gas prices will fuel inflation more quickly than we can understand. We must do something now to stave off problems with the economy that are yet to come, because Democrats want to raise our taxes, on top of making us pay for extremely high fuel prices, which will make for a double whammy on the earnings of the American people, and will fuel a recession, the likes of which my generation has not yet seen.

While I support John McCain in his bid for the presidency, and sincerely hope that he is elected this coming fall, there are several things that I do not agree with him on - mainly drilling for oil, and gay rights.

John McCain does not believe in opening up ANWAR for drilling, even though there are enough oil reserves under the wildlife refuge to sustain our country for many years. He says that we need to become energy independent, but will not even use our own natural resources to do so. What we need to do is use our own resources, and match barrel for barrel of oil that we import with our own product, so that we not only drive down the price of oil for our own country, we will also drive down the price of oil around the world. We must use our strong status as the greatest country in the world, combined with our amazing natural resources here at home, to show the world that we do not need their resources to sustain ourselves. Once that is done, then we can truly make the move to becoming energy independent.

As a gay man, I do not believe that gay rights should be left up to the states, because this is not something that the states will decide. States did not decide womens rights, or civil rights, or anything of the sort - this was all decided on the federal level. Gays and lesbians should be afforded the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual individuals, and should be allowed all the same priviledges as heterosexual people when it comes to taxes, inheritance, civil unions, etc. We must be open-minded and let people live their lives how they want to live them. As Gay Americans, we must band together, and demand the same level of equality and acceptance that is afforded to everyone else in this great nation, as only then will we be able to truly live as equals among our fellow American citizens.

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