Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Letter to President Obama Regarding Making Veteran's Pay For Their Benefits

While I do not post very often on this blog (due to school and work taking most of my time), I am still trying to post important things here so people will know my thoughts and feelings, as promised by the purpose of this blog. I hope to post more when I graduate from school in December, as I am sure that there will be much to post about over the next several years.

I would like to share with you a letter that I sent via internet posting on addressed to the President. While I do not know if I will receive a personal response, I hope that it reaches the President, and causes him and his administration to think more about their actions, and to help our veterans as we should be helping them, giving them the best possible medical and psychiatric care that we can.

Below is my letter to the President of the United States:


Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to you today regarding a potential policy that was announced recently that would make veterans of our armed services pay for their medical services at the Veterans Administration Hospitals when they return with service connected injuries. As you well know, our military heroes, both current and past, deserve our compassion and respect. They also deserve all that we can give them for sacrificing their lives every day to ensure that we remain a free and democratic nation, without threats to our people.

We as a people often forget all that has happened to our nation over the past nine years, but in one day almost 3,500 people were killed by extremist people who hate our country and way of life. We must not forget those Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force men and women who have given their lives for our nation. Because of this, it is extremely wrong for us to even think about charging these heroes for the injuries that they receive while defending our country.

Mr. President, we must explore other options to pay for our veteran population. It is absolutely un-American for the government of the United States of America to propose charging our veterans. We must find other ways for veterans to receive the care that they need without charging them for this care. Many of our veterans come back from Iraq and Afghanistan with both physical and psychiatric disorders, and it is our responsibility as Americans to take care of these veterans and the injuries that they receive because of their defense of our nation.

Mr. President, I strongly urge you and your administration to rethink this policy, and to explore other options regarding the care of our veterans who return with service connected injuries. I thank you for your time and consideration regarding this matter.


Ryan Kuyers

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